Saturday, July 24, 2010

Alright, as my first makeup related post I am going to show my collection of lip products that I keep at my boyfriends house. Now that might seem like a strange statement, but I pretty much live at my boyfriends house because he lives quite a bit closer to my job. If I were to drive from my house it would take me about an hour while if I drive from my boyfriends house it takes me about 15 minutes. Anyways, back to the post topic. I have acquired quite a bit of makeup since I have started staying with him and most of those are lip products. Enough talking...on with the pictures!!

Numero Uno!

Lets see, this is my first post and I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Chelsea, I'm a 22 year old nursing student/CNA living in Florida. I am completely and utterly obsessed with makeup, drugstore as well as high end though I would rather buy drugstore simply for the fact that the quality can be just as good and much more affordable. I plan on using this blog as an outlet for my free time and where I can post about new products that I have found and enjoy as well as some of my previous purchases and items that I love! I think that is it then, hopefully I keep up with this thing and form a new interest in writing :).
